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Mid-park from 72nd to 81st Streets

To truly understand Central Park, you must do more than look. You must also listen…to the strange and wonderful stories that lie just beyond the limit of sight, hidden away in the park’s statues and buildings, benches and fountains. These stories bring to life a sword-wielding warrior, a power-hungry pharaoh, and a raving-mad queen. They tell of a castle-guarding dragon and a not-so-pure angel, an inspired statesman, and the world’s most famous dreamer. Our quest meanders through the mid-section of the park, pulling these and other stories out into the daylight, solving a series of clues, and unlocking the ultimate riddle.


Ages: 12 to 102

Time: 2 hrs if you rush/all day if you don’t

Best time: daylight hours

Price: $5.99


Starting point: Terrace Drive at the northeast corner of West 72nd Street and Central Park West.

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